EV Class 4 Hindu : Chapter 4 - Respect and Patience (Solutions PDF)

Respect, Patience, Hinduism, Virtues, Moral Values, Self-discipline, Harmony, Kindness, Tolerance, Compassion.
EV Class 4 Hindu : Chapter 1 - Respect and Patience (Solutions PDF)

English Version Class Four Hindu Religion Studies - Chapter 4: Respect and Patience (Textbook Solutions/ Questions Solved Guides)

Comprehensive Solutions and Guides for Respect and Patience in Class 4 Hindu Religion Studies (English Version)

Respect and patience are essential virtues in Hinduism, guiding individuals toward a peaceful and harmonious life. Respect for elders, teachers, and all living beings reflects moral values that help maintain social harmony. Patience teaches us to stay calm, endure challenges, and act with wisdom. This chapter explores the importance of these qualities in daily life, encouraging students to cultivate good behavior, understanding, and self-discipline.

After studying this chapter, students will learn-

  • To explain the idea of respect and patience
  • To explain respect and patience as a moral and human virtue
  • To describe the fact that there are different religions and people from different religions in the world.
  • To tell the names of a few religions of Bangladesh and the world.
  • To tell the names of different religious festivals observed in Bangladesh.
  • To explain the necessity to show respect and patience towards different religions.
  • To be encouraged to show respect and patience towards different religions through own behavior
  • To explain the importance of showing respect and patience towards people of different castes, creeds, and religions and also to people with special needs.

Lesson Instructions

After exchanging greetings with the students, the teacher will first try to explain the concept of respect to the students through various examples. For example, when the teacher comes to the classroom, the students stand up, greet, and pay respect to the elders, etc. Then the teacher will read the chapter aloud and explain the meaning of respect, the meaning of tolerance, the relationship between religion and tolerance, and the importance of tolerance. The teacher will ask the students small questions in between and at the end of the lesson, and the students will answer. If the answer is correct, praise it, and if it is wrong, the teacher will correct it. At the end of the lesson, the teacher will assist the students in solving the exercises of the chapter.

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In conclusion, respect and patience are fundamental values that promote kindness, understanding, and peaceful living. Practicing these virtues helps individuals build strong relationships, develop self-control, and foster a compassionate society. By embracing these qualities, students can contribute to a respectful and tolerant world.