EV Class 4 Islam : Chapter 2 - Ibadat (Solutions PDF)

Ibadat, Worship, Salah, Prayer, Sawm, Fasting, Zakat, Charity, Hajj, Pilgrimage, Faith, Devotion, Discipline, Islam, Righteousness.
EV Class 4 Islam : Chapter 2 - Ibadat (Solutions PDF)

English Version Class Four Islamic Studies - Chapter 2: Ibadat (Textbook Solutions/ Questions Solved Guides)

Comprehensive Solutions and Guides for Ibadat in Class 4 Islamic Studies (English Version)

Ibadat (worship) is an essential part of a Muslim’s life, as it strengthens faith and brings one closer to Allah. It includes acts of devotion such as Salah (prayer), Sawm (fasting), Zakat (charity), and Hajj (pilgrimage). Performing Ibadat with sincerity and dedication helps Muslims lead a disciplined and righteous life. This chapter explores the importance of worship and its role in shaping good character and moral values.

After studying this chapter, students will learn—

  • To tell the identity and rules of Ibadat.
  • To perform Allah’s Ibadat and describe the importance and benefits of Ibadat.
  • To describe the identity, importance, and significance of purity.
  • To be inspired to remain pure.
  • To be habituated to remain neat and clean.
  • To tell what wadu means and the farz of wadu.
  • To perform wadu following the correct ways.
  • To tell the sunnat items of wadu and perform wadu correctly.
  • To tell the causes for breaking wadu and become habituated to perform wadu, if necessary.
  • To tell the rules of ghasl and be habituated to stay neat and clean following the correct ways.
  • To describe the identity and importance of Azan.
  • To say the words of Azan correctly.
  • To participate actively in establishing Salat in Jamaat.
  • To utter the sentences of Iqamat correctly.
  • To give Iqamat in Jamaat.
  • To be habituated to perform Salat in Jamaat.
  • To recite the Dua of Azan with correct pronunciation and tell its meaning.
  • To tell the importance and Fazilat of Azan.
  • To tell what Tashahhud means. Students will also learn to recite Tashahhud and perform Salat in time.
  • To recite Durud and Dua Masura in Salat.
  • To recite the sentences of Salam and Munajat correctly along with meaning, and use them in their proper places.
  • To tell what Ahkam is, its importance, the numbers of Ahkam, and what they are.
  • To perform the Ahkams of Salat with importance.
  • To perform Salat in time.
  • To tell the names of five waqt Salat and their right times.
  • To tell the importance of performing Salat in the right time.
  • To describe what Arkan of Salat means.
  • To perform Arkans of Salat correctly.
  • To tell the rules of Salat.
  • To show Salat by performing.
  • To describe the order followed in two, three, or four Rakaat of Salat.
  • To describe the identity, importance, and Fazilat of Salatul Jumuah.
  • To perform Salatul Jumuah. In this way, social values will grow in them.
  • To describe the identity of the two Eid, their importance and significance, and the rules of performing Salat of Eidul Fitr.
  • To perform Salat following the rules.
  • To tell the rules of Salat of Eidul Adha and Qurbani.
  • To perform Salat and Qurbani following the rules.
  • To learn the great teachings of obedience and sacrifice through Qurbani.

Lesson Instructions

The teacher will first write the title of the lesson of the chapter on the board and say it aloud. He or she will then read out the lesson. While teaching, he or she will try to explain to the students with the help of pictures or examples from the textbook. Later he or she will divide the students into different groups and ask them to discuss the text. Then the teacher will ask what the students understood. He or she will help the students in solving planned work and exercise questions.

Planned Work and Solution

This section contains the solutions of all the works from the textbook. Teacher/guardian will instruct the student to practice these works by writing them in the notebook.

Exercise Questions and Answers

Practice these exercise questions from the textbook with importance. Because these questions have been prepared in light of the important topics of the chapter.

More Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation

This section contains all possible types of questions and answers based on question type and marks distribution of the latest examination for exam preparation.

Let Us Learn More

This section contains questions and solutions according to the question type of Primary Education Completion Examination for more practice.


Mark the two-starred questions with a yellow highlighter and one-starred questions with a green highlighter. Thus it will help you to revise before the exam.

To Assess Chapter Preparation: Exam at Home

This sample question paper has been provided to assess your preparation at home. Time 90 minutes. Full marks-60


Ibadat is not just about performing religious duties; it is a way to show gratitude and devotion to Allah. Regular worship purifies the heart, strengthens faith, and guides a person toward goodness. By following the principles of Ibadat, a Muslim can lead a peaceful and meaningful life while earning rewards in this world and the Hereafter.