EV Class 4 Science : Chapter 1 - Living Things and Environment (Solutions PDF)

Living things,environment,habitat,air,water,food,growth,movement,reproduction,surroundings,nature,balance,non-living things,protection,sustainability
EV Class 4 Science : Chapter 1 - Living Things and Environment (Solutions PDF)

English Version Class Four Elementary Science - Chapter 1: Living Things and Environment (Textbook Solutions/ Questions Solved Guides)

Comprehensive Solutions and Guides for Living Things and Environment in Class 4 Elementary Science (English Version)

Living things depend on their environment to survive. They need air, water, food, and shelter to grow and reproduce. This chapter explores how living things interact with their surroundings, the importance of natural resources, and how humans depend on plants and animals for food. It also discusses environmental changes caused by natural events and human activities, highlighting the need to protect nature for a balanced ecosystem.

Lesson Instructions for this Chapter

  1. Teacher/guardian will collect the necessary materials related to the lesson before starting the lesson and conduct the related activities according to the Teacher’s Guide or the instructions for the teachers/guardians.
  2. Following the textbook, teacher will thoroughly explain topics such as living things in the environment, dependency of humans on plants and animals for food, etc. Teacher will assess the student’s progress through questions like “What do living things need to survive?” and “How do humans depend on plants and animals for food?” In this regard, teacher will take the help of the ‘Let’s Remember Important Information of the Chapter’ section provided in this chapter.
  3. To test the knowledge of the lesson, the answers to the exercise questions and the relevant questions in the textbook should be practised. If these can be done correctly, the ‘More Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation’ section should also be practised. Finally, the final preparation of the chapter should be checked through the ‘To Assess Chapter Preparation: Exam at Home’.

After studying this chapter, students will be able to:

  • Tell about human and all other living beings need food to survive.
  • Tell about the sun as the source of all energy.
  • Mention the importance of shelter and habitat in the lives of plants and animals.
  • Explain how plants are dependent on sunlight and water for their survival.
  • Describe the necessary conditions for plant growth.
  • Describe human dependency on plants and animals for food.
  • Mention the changes in the environment due to different natural phenomena (storm, drought, etc.).
  • Explain how humans are changing the environment by using different natural assets.

Planned Work and Solution

This section contains the solutions of all the works from the textbook. Teacher/guardian will instruct the student to practice these works by writing them in the notebook.

Exercise Questions and Answers

Practice these exercise questions from the textbook with importance. Because these questions have been prepared in light of the important topics of the chapter.

More Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation

This section contains all possible types of questions and answers based on question type and marks distribution of the latest examination for exam preparation.

Let Us Learn More

This section contains questions and solutions according to the question type of Primary Education Completion Examination for more practice.


Mark the two-starred questions with a yellow highlighter and one-starred questions with a green highlighter. Thus it will help you to revise before the exam.

To Assess Chapter Preparation: Exam at Home

This sample question paper has been provided to assess your preparation at home. Time 90 minutes. Full marks-60


In this chapter, we have learned about living things and their environment. Living things, such as plants and animals, need air, water, food, and a suitable habitat to survive. They grow, move, reproduce, and respond to their surroundings. The environment consists of both living and non-living things, which interact with each other to maintain balance in nature. Understanding these relationships helps us appreciate the importance of protecting our environment for the well-being of all living creatures. By taking care of nature, we ensure a healthy and sustainable world for future generations.